Due to many rifles being diverted to Chile, many of the rifles there have the inscription “O.V.S” (Oranje Vrij Staat),Orange Free State. Roughly 50,000 Mauser rifles were ordered but only 37,000 were delivered because DWM diverted them to fulfill their contract with the Chilean army. The Model 1895 was also deployed to republic of the Orange Free State and the South African Republic (more commonly known as “Transvaal”) by DWM shortly after the Jameson Raid in December 1895 to deal with the shortage of modern magazine fed rifles for the state army. In this period, over 80,000 Model 1895 rifles and 30,000 Model 1895 carbines were shipped and deployed to the Chilean army. First supplied by the Ludwig Loewe & Co during 1895-1896 then later by the DWM (1897-1900), the Mauser model 1895 first made its appearance during a small arms race between Argentina and Chile in 18.