Version9 units are being held via a styro foam material. USA - The way to tell if you have a v9 and not a v10 without physically opening the PS2 unit is checking to see what type of material is "holding" the unit in the blue box. If and when you have opened your PS2, the motherboard will read off GH-022 USA - NO true way to identify your unit until you physically open your ps2. If and when you have opened your PS2, the motherboard will read off GH-017 USA SCPH 30001, Serial Number begins with U3 Date Code 1D = Version 5 USA SCPH 30001, Serial Number begins with U1 Date Code 1D = Version 5 Version 5 - There are 2 Motherboards for the SCPH 30001R

USA SCPH 30001, Serial Number begins with U5 Date Code 1C = Version 4 USA SCPH 30001, Serial Number begins with U4 = Version 4 USA SCPH 30001, Serial Number begins with U3 Date Code 1B = Version 4 USA SCPH 30001, Serial Number begins with U2 Date Code 1C = Version 4

USA SCPH 30001, Serial Number begins with U1 Date Code 1C = Version 4 USA SCPH 30001, Serial Number begins with U0, Date Code 1C = Version 4 Version 4 (with electrical warning stamped on the bottom) = 8 Screws at base of PS2 USA SCPH 30001, Serial Number begins with U2, Date Code 0D = Version 3 USA SCPH 30001, Serial Number begins with U2, Date Code 1A = Version 3 USA SCPH 30001, Serial Number begins with U1, Date Code 1A = Version 3 USA SCPH 30001, Serial Number begins with U0 = Version 2 USA SCPH 30001, Serial Number begins with U1 = Version 1 Version 1, 2 and 3 = 10 Screws at base of PS2 Identifying your PS2 Model Number by the Serial Number and Date Code: To start, look at the sticker on the back of your unit and use the information below to determine your PS2's version number. Below is some resourceful information that explains the many versions of the PS2. Currently there are 16 different versions of the Playstation2 game console.